I've been able to wear my favorite (pre-pregnancy :) blue jeans again for about 7 months now which I have thoroughly enjoyed after gaining 40 pounds during my pregnancy with Chloe. I have two pair, both from American Eagle, which I LOVE to wear. They have held up amazingly well... clothes seem to do that when you take a year off to wear maternity clothes. I don't buy jeans very often because it is just so hard to find the "perfect" fit. My jeans are always there when I want to dress up or dress down; I have a favorite pair for each of those occasions. But, to me, both still go best with a t-shirt and flip-flops. :)
All this to say, my jeans are going on another hiatus and will hang quietly in the back of my closet. Not because the weather is already getting warm (we've hit the 80's on some days), but because around September 9th, we'll be welcoming Baby Trombo #2!!! We are just about at the end of the first trimester and we've been able to hear the heart beat twice and also see him/her on ultrasound. We praise the Lord for allowing this little one to make it since, as many of you know, I have a history of miscarriages and we knew there could be a risk of it happening again. I prayed for several months before I had peace about trying again without first tackling the issue that could be causing the miscarriages.
I have to admit that it is a bit difficult for me to announce this on our blog because I know several women right now who have not been able to get pregnant either the first time or after the first child, or who have had miscarriages or other situations that have kept them from getting pregnant; women who yearn so deeply to bear children. My heart hurts so much for them. It isn't fair, but to think that life would be fair is childish, I suppose. I just know we've not all been given the same purpose or the same path to fulfill our purpose. I am thankful that the Creator of the universe rarely lets me depend on my finite knowledge before reminding me how infinite His knowledge is. I am thankful that He knew what was coming in our lives, in our marriage, so that He made us have to wait almost 3 years before having our own baby girl. He also knew where we needed to grow before we could be her parents. He knew exactly the time and the place of when it would happen, all along He knew it. He knows exactly WHO the lives are that He creates, no mistakes, no mishaps. He knows exactly how and when He will use our children to bring glory to His name, just as He does with each of us. I am thankful that His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. He is still good.
Oh Mary! I am so thrilled for you...such wonderful news!! I will be praying for you and the newest Trombley :)
Amen! I love you so much Mary and I'm thrilled about Baby Trombo #2! We are praying for you guys :)
There are few clothes better than a pair of really comfortable jeans. Your pair serve a wonderful purpose in motivating you AFTER your pregnancy. Don't get rid of them...you'll wear them again someday.
I'm so excited to welcome the next little Trombley!! My lap will be full, full, full!! So will my heart!!
Love you all,
Congratulations! What exciting news! There is nothing more exciting in this world to me than being pregnant and bringing a new child into this world. Little miracles. We'll be praying for a smooth 2nd delivery and healthy baby for you all:)
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